
Reactivation of formalization processes


Law 1955 of 2019, better known as the Law of the National Development Plan 2018-2022, in its article 325 reactivated the formalization processes that had been suspended with
the declaration of unenforceability of Law 1382 of 2010 and with the declaration of nullity. of Decree 933 of 2013. Before the issuance of the aforementioned rule of the Plan,
the Mining Authority could not resolve any of the requests for formalization of traditional mining that were under study. In addition, the holders of said requests were forced
to suspend any mining activity that they were carrying out in the area to be formalized, under penalty of incurring in illicit exploitation of mines and becoming creditors of
the confiscation and suspension measures of Law 685 of 2001 and the environmental sanctioning actions determined in the legislation.

In this way, the procedure established in the standard for those who had submitted an application until May 10, 2013 and that were in force at the entry into force of the National
Development Plan (05/25/2019) is as follows:

Daniela Escobar

Daniela Escobar

Directora de cumplimiento normativo y regulación digital

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